Friday, 3 July 2015

Picture me like this...

Inspired by Kim Manley Ort's Visual CV, who, in her turn, was inspired by Nathan Wirth's Visual Q&A at COOPH. I've added three additional questions and answers. I'd love to see your responses. Can you come up with some more questions?

Who are you?

Where have you come from?

Why photography?

What is your trademark photographic style?

What truly inspires you?

Where do you go when you close your eyes?

How would you describe your lifestyle?

Where is home for you?

What makes a great shot?

How do you view the world?

What have you learnt?

How has it changed you?

Where are you going?


  1. What a wonderful series of photos, Sophia! I love them all and they fit the questions so much and we get to know you from within through what you show us!

    1. Thank you Sandra. I'm glad it 'works'. I put a lot of thought into this exercise, which was not as easy as I thought. Of course it didn't help that I didn't have a vast library to choose from! I enjoyed the process though. Interesting to do it again in a couple of years, perhaps...

  2. It feels thoughtful and I mean that as a compliment. My favourite is how you view the world. It made me laugh. And, the subtle difference between what you've learnt and how it's changed you. Bravo and thank you for taking the challenge.

    1. Thank you, Kim. I did put a lot of thought into this.

  3. Beautiful answers to the questions! I've found when visiting those who've taken Kim's challenge that so many of us have similar photography styles and interests. I love the quietness of the bench beside the water. The image is so full of character and texture!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Well, I guess it's not that surprising that our responses are similar: after all, our connection is Kim (and contemplative photography). I'm always intrigued when people like the image of a bench by the water; to my mind it looks grey and depressed. Which is how it used to be for me (!) Photography has changed so much…

  4. Beautiful. Insightful. Well done! (Love them all, but personal favorite is "How has it changed you?"..."Be quiet so life can speak" – Leo Babauta

  5. all ,lovely lovely photos...stimulating and taking me off......but(!) don't want to answer questions.....want to be vague....let them go.....along with the moving photos....

    1. Thank you very much. Yes, this is where I want a photograph to paint a thousand words... (!)

  6. Hello Sophia. How nice to meet you via Kim's challenge. It really was a challenge wasn't it?! You have some beautiful and interesting photos in response to your questions. I particularly love the one for Where do you go when you close your eyes. I enjoyed your extra questions too!

    1. Thank you very much! Nice to meet you, too. I've not been photographing for long, so I didn't have a lot to choose from. The extra questions were courtesy of my husband, who said that a CV had to include them. So, I made it even more difficult for myself...

  7. Sophia, I like your extra questions also. I might need to add those to my own Visual CV. And you were correct about this exercise not being easy. I do love your style when you photograph the light..something about it always touches me.

  8. Thank you, Mary; I do believe light has become my trademark... I think the extra questions were a good thing - once I'd worked out what I was doing (!) - because it enabled me to see my CV as a narrative, rather than as something relatively static.

  9. Sophia - I am grateful for the time I have spent here with your Visual CV. Your talent really speaks to my heart.

    I most connected to "Where have you come from?" in the knowing that what that means to me, and the interpretation I put on it as a result may bear no resemblance at all to your reason for choosing that photo for yourself. I do think it would be lovely if we all continued this as a series, sharing our reasons for choosing each photo (maybe one per week until done) so that those who bore witness to our lives in photos could learn more about each other as well as the potential contrast between what we thought the photo meant against what it actually meant.

    The photo's interpretation I'd most like to understand better is "What have you learnt?"

    Thanks for sharing this glimpse into you Sophia .. Sally.

    1. Thank you Sally. Where I have come from is intended to represent that I was lonely and isolated. I've written about benches here, Your idea of writing more about our images is an intriguing one. Maybe you could start us off!

      "What have you learnt?" is about my new relationship with light, which came about when I did Visual Journalling, with you and Kim. I have learnt to see more clearly... A bit like, "I was blind, but now I see." At the risk of coming over all lyrical, my eyes have been opened to so many things I didn't see before, now.

      I may write a post about the light that shines in the darkness (I told you I was coming over all lyrical!)
