Thursday 2 July 2015

May I be of service

© Sophia Roberts

May I become an island for those seeking dry land 
A lamp for those needing light, 
A place of rest for those who desire one, 
And a servant for those needing service. 

from May I Become an Island ~ Shantideva


  1. So beautifully written and expressed, I feel as if I am right there with you.... on my morning walk....
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my small beginners poem, I really do appreciate it (from Janet at Prairie Sage, although I cannot get Wordpress to sign me in that way, oh sigh.. the problems of technology)

    1. Thank you! I thought your post was inspirational: a perfect match of image and text.

  2. I really enjoyed your visual c,v. Sophia! Love that abstract you see when you close your eyes. And your extra questions were are great idea!
